CBD oil is one of the world’s most powerful food supplements to support a healthy body and mind.
But did you know that CBD also has powerful anti-ageing properties as well?
In this article we’ll outline some of the beautifying benefits of CBD and answer the question: how does CBD skin care work?
Related: Top Five Most Powerful Food Supplements in the World.
How does CBD skin care work?
CBD skin scare works because of CBD’s natural antioxidant properties.
When CBD-containing serums, oils and creams are applied to clean skin, the skin absorbs the CBD through the dermal layer.
Once absorbed, the antioxidant effects of CBD can really get to work, protecting your skin from signs of ageing and damage.
Related: The Difference Between CBD Oil and Cannabis Oil.
How does CBD work as an antioxidant?
Antioxidants are compounds that remove damaging oxidants from the body. Aside from diet and exercise, they are the most important part of a skincare regimen.
Oxidants or oxidising agents harm our skin by producing free radicals. Free radicals damage collagen, making the skin appear less supple, healthy and youthful.
Smoking, alcohol, excessive sunbathing and sugar all contribute to the production of free radicals.
While free radicals can never be escaped entirely, (even breathing creates them!) unhealthy habits will cause you to have an excessive amount of free radical activity which will damage your skin over time.
Conversely, positive habits, like an antioxidant rich diet and skin care routine, means you’ll have as little free radical damage as possible.
Antioxidants like CBD (cannabidiol) bind to free radicals before they can do any damage, allowing them to be removed by the body as a waste product.
Related: 10 Delicious Ways to Add CBD Oil to Your Diet.
The anti-ageing benefits of CBD
So we’ve talked about how CBD is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin.
It is CBD’s antioxidant properties that make it an invaluable ingredient in any anti-ageing skin care regimen.
When CBD acts as an antioxidant for the skin, it protects the skin’s precious collagen stores.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and makes up the majority of our muscle, ligament tendon and skin tissues.
Collagen is what maintains our skin’s elasticity, which creates a vibrant, youthful and tight appearance.
CBD protects the skin from free radicals that destroy collagen, ultimately slowing and preventing the ageing process, fighting the signs of skin ageing.
CBD’s antioxidant properties also mean that your skin has an extra defence against sun damage and hyperpigmentation, since antioxidants help to protect our skin from the sun’s damaging effects.
However, CBD cannot replace sunscreen, which is the number one way to protect your skin from the sun. It only helps to make your skin more resilient to the effects of the sun.
Related: The Anti-Ageing Benefits of CBD.
The best kind of CBD products for skin
Now we’ve answered the question ‘how does CBD skin care work?’ we can move on to the best kind of CBD skin care to incorporate into your routine.
CBD should be used as part of both day and night skin scare routines for the face, neck and décolletage. CBD can also be used on other vulnerable areas of the skin such as the backs of the hands.
We recommend combining CBD with another powerful anti-ageing ingredient such as Rose Otto.
Rose Otto contains the compound farnesol, which stimulates all-important collagen production in the skin.
Our organic CBD Anti-Ageing Facial Oil with Rose Otto is the perfect blend of protective CBD and revitalising Rose Otto. It also contains organic virgin argan oil and organic avocado oil, which are both rich in vitamins C, A and E, powerful antioxidants that can reduce the appearance of scars.
Whatever CBD product you choose, we recommend using a CBD facial oil after cleansing and before any additional moisturisers or sunscreens, both morning and night. That way the CBD can penetrate the skin and really work its magic.
Oils tend to perform better than creams because they have fewer ingredients and allow the skin to absorb the CBD and other nutrients better than a cream, which contain a lot of other stuff that can reduce the absorption of active ingredients.
Related: The Ingredients of a Good Quality CBD Oil.
What to look for in CBD skin care
Here are some tips on what to look for in a CBD skin product:
- Go for organic. We think that it is really important that anything you put on your face is of organic origin. Organic products are richer in phytonutrients and don’t contain any harmful chemicals whatsoever.
- Choose 100% natural products. We know there are a lot of products out there these days that claim to be 90% or 95% natural, but really 100% natural is best. 100% natural products are made with pure ingredients that don’t need any preservatives or foaming agents – ingredients that dry out the skin and may cause damage over time.
- Make sure the product is made with full or broad-spectrum CBD extract. This is probably the most important tip we have for you. Any CBD skin care that is made with CBD isolate (a 99% pure CBD powder) is not antioxidant rich because all of the organic matter has been removed from the extract.
Related: Top Five Ways to Use CBD Oil.
Where to get CBD skin care products
At Aura CBD Oil UK we have launched our new range of bath and body products, all of which are 100% natural, organic and made with full spectrum CBD extract made in Europe.
Explore the range here with a limited time 10% discount code ‘NEW10’.
If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out our blog where we upload new content every week to keep you informed about the world of CBD.
If you have any questions about what we do at Aura CBD Oil UK you can email us at info@auracbdoil.com or send us a message on Facebook.